Sunday, September 15, 2013

Linking with LoL

The ability to fuse links between different web pages, articles, pictures, and videos is a powerful tool which has set the internet apart from all previous forms of media. Take for instance the League of Legends website. One could be lost for days just following the different interior links to articles, videos, new champions, news updates, and much more. There are also outside links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LoL Esports which all in turn promote inter-connectivity as well. Some like LoL Esports only have a direct correlation with the original website and that's it. Others like Twitter or Facebook do not solely revolve around the LoL website only acting as a means to promote the original website further. Without the LoL website LoL Esports would not exist, but without LoL Facebook or Twitter would still exist. Some links are their to help establish and promote the website, while others are there to help the child website grow and achieve popularity. 

By being able to link these sites together, the exposure this website can achieve becomes even greater than it could on its own. If there was not a link to Facebook on their site, the likelihood of a user going to Facebook on their own lessens and the lower their search engine optimization (SEO) will be without the "likes" and comments that users are able to give them on Facebook.  This will put them lower down on the list of search results with search engines like Google or Bing, Thus creating less exposure and less people might join the game and spend money on the extras the game provides.

The way the linking is set up on the website itself is very aesthetic and encourages the users to click on them regardless of why the user originally came to the site. Just seeing a link like this to Twitter is far less appealing than the screenshot of the links above. Their link area is larger than just a simple button and they have added art from their game to make it "cooler" to click on. They even have gone so far as to include the exact way the logo appears of the linked websites, leaving no doubt as to where the user is headed. The placement of these large links happen at the very top right below the main header. There is no trying to dig for them in the footer or being lost in the sidebar. It makes following the links convenient and not as much hassle as other websites make it. 


  1. I think that your point about the dependence/independence of different websites is very interesting. It's true that some websites simply couldn't exist without another, almost like a "parent" site, whereas some need no other website to lead users to it. Good point.

  2. I think the link idea is awesome where they have game art added. You had me intrigued, so I went to the site. I think the site looks very nice, but I wasn't able to navigate so well in it. I think that might be because I don't know anything about the Lol, so I don't know what I'm looking at. But I guess if you play the game, this website would be beneficial.
