Thursday, September 19, 2013

Stephen J. Allen - Blog Post #3

In order for this meme to be funny, someone would need to know that dirt and gravel are two very common blocks in Minecraft that are considered to be the most useless. The majority of people just toss them out. When playing multiplayer, people can share blocks between them. People will occasionally give their friends dirt and gravel as a joke, because they are virtually useless.

This is funny for a number of reasons. The first should be clear to most, parents tend to think of vieo games as violent, bloody war scenarios. The second is because Minecraft is what is called a “sandbox game,” which means that it is an open world that the player can roam freely. The third is because the easiest way to explain Minecraft to someone who hasn’t played it is by saying it’s like Legos. Fourth is an example of a very complex and difficult structure built in Minecraft, which is what many people strive to do. Last is what a player’s first house would probably look like.

Both of these pictures required a knowledge of advanced photo editing and creation software. The first image takes advantage of selection, compositing, sampling, and original animation. The figures are superimposed over the members of the Beatles from the cover the album Abbey Road. The second piece of fan art is all original, although the subjects and settings are taken from the game. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how they made the fan art out of the Abby Road album, that's pretty sweet. I wonder about the last picture, could this be a screen shot? What is different about this than what you would actually see in the game? (Sorry, still don't know much about Minecraft.
