Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My New Favorite Site (With Links!)

                The topic I have chosen for my final project is happiness and positivity.  I found a website related to these subjects. The website is called gimundo.com (tagline: good news… served daily).
                I think the site is designed and organized well. At the top of the page, there is a menu bar that has all the sections of the website.  These menu options all have a simple symbol right next to them. For the home page- a house symbol, for the news article section- a news globe image, for videos section-a video camera, for links around the website-a symbol indicating a computer network, for stuff they like-puzzle pieces, for the blog-a pencil, for daily newsletter- a letter, and for the search-a magnifying glass.  I think these symbols added to the overall site to make it look nice, simple, and easy to navigate.
                As far as the links to other pages go, they have a “best of the web” section. This section is really easy to follow. Each link has a tagline to it written in blue, such as “Before I die”, then a description written in black which says, “Artist ask New Orleanians what they want to do when they die” , followed by the link in blue. This makes it easy to know what you are directed to each site for.
                I really enjoyed the links that they give. The links are all very eclectic, but they all have to do with something positive and happy. They all fit into the “good news” theme of the website. Most of the links seem to link to specific articles rather than specific websites having to do with the topic of happiness. I think this can be seen as both a lack and strength. It is a lack if you want to be directed to other websites in a networking kind of a manner.  I wish they had a page of links to specific positive websites around. But it is also a strength because it substantiates their own site as being the site to go to for positive and happy thinking. So I am kind of torn on whether people would use this site as links to other places. But for a theme of “good news”, I guess links to articles on the web works for them.


  1. Love this website. For your final project, you should be able to find a lot about this subject. Links I find are vital to any website and this one MAKES you want to click on them. The web is really the only way of taking the people's true wants and needs and making them a reality. Links help promote inter-connectivity and make websites that would otherwise go unvisited popular.

  2. Love this website. For your final project, you should be able to find a lot about this subject. Links I find are vital to any website and this one MAKES you want to click on them. The web is really the only way of taking the people's true wants and needs and making them a reality. Links help promote inter-connectivity and make websites that would otherwise go unvisited popular.
